Submissions can be in the following forms:
- Paper presentations: Single papers by one or more authors. Presentations will be around 15 minutes each. In addition to submitting abstracts (max. 250 words), applicants are asked to indicate in their submission which question(s) their presentation will address. This will facilitate the organisers to arrange submissions into thematic panels.
- Closed panel of academic papers: For those wishing to identify their own question, organise a panel of specific interest (for instance, regional), or facilitate coordination in anticipation of a special issue or edited book, please submit a closed panel of academic papers. The submission should include a panel theme description (max. 150 words), in addition to abstract and speaker details for each presentation in the panel, with a max of 5 speakers and minimum of 3 speakers.
- Roundtable: We invite roundtable submissions for scholars, artists, activists, practitioners, or those working in non-governmental organisations, policy, or advocacy. Roundtables do not require formal papers and have conversation and discussion as their aim. A roundtable submission requires at least 1 organiser and 2 presenters (max of 7), as well as the title and abstract (up to 250 words) of the roundtable.
We can make limited accommodations for non-English participation. The working language for the conference is English, and we don’t have the resources to offer simultaneous translation or translate the conference materials themselves. If you feel comfortable navigating the day-to-day in English, but presenting in another language, then we can make some limited accommodations. This can be in the form of, for example, a closed panel of French speakers, or a paper presentation in Zulu. Within our organising and steering committees, we have capacity to assess a limited number of presentations in French, Portuguese, Xhosa, Afrikaans, Zulu, Shona, and Danish.
If you wish to present or submit a closed panel in a language other than English, please contact the organisers in advance at info@reworldingreproduction.org.za
We have received funding from Wenner-Gren Foundation to offer financial support (which includes registration fees, flights, ground transportation and accommodation) to 10 scholars. The WG funding is limited to those meeting certain requirements:
- Those who lack institutional or project funds to support their participation and travel to the conference and who would otherwise be financially precluded from participating.
- Those whose submission is accepted and will be presenting at a panel or roundtable
- And those based in the Global South; five of which is specifically earmarked for scholars based in sub-Saharan Africa.
We hope to offer other forms of financial support in the future, but this will be subject to funding availability.
All the keynote addresses will be recorded and disseminated online. As for attendees, we believe it is important to emphasise in-person engagement considering the aims of our conference. In-person and face-to-face discussion is important to fostering critical dialogues that challenge contemporary paradigms and the politics of knowledge in which we are embedded. Included in this politics is that most international conferences take place in Euro-America, which has often precluded Southern scholars’ participation for both financial and visa-related reasons.
That said, we understand for many reasons (such as financial and visa-related) in-person participation in Pretoria may prove impossible for some. We will make accommodations for some virtual participation, such as presentations on Zoom or recording panels to view online, in limited cases and on an ad-hoc basis. If you are interested in virtual presentation, you may indicate so on your conference abstract submission.
Registration will open at early-bird rates on 1 March 2024 and regular registration will open from 15 April. Registration will close 1 July 2024.
We offer tiered rates based on career stage (student, early career, professional) and institutional location (discount for African and Low Income Countries), in addition to discounted early-bird rates.
Our aim is to foster a new generation of scholars, academics, policymakers, and advocates within the field of reproduction. Therefore, before the official start of the conference, we will have a one-day workshop for early-career scholars. The preliminary programme for the workshop includes a roundtable with our keynote speakers on their career trajectories, presentations on academic publication, applied research and non-academic trajectories, and fundraising for research. The workshop shall conclude with the establishment of a mentoring scheme, where early-career scholars shall be paired with an established scholar to provide one-on-one mentoring for a year.